Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Robert Reich: What We Need Now: A National Economic Strategy for Better Jobs - Truthdig

Jobs are returning with depressing slowness, and most of the new jobs pay less than the jobs that were lost in the Great Recession.

Robert Reich: What We Need Now: A National Economic Strategy for Better Jobs - Truthdig

Feingold Correctly Predicted Patriot Act Abuse in 2001 (Video) - Truthdig

When the Senate passed the Patriot Act after the 9/11 terrorist attacks in 2001, only one senator voted against it: Russ Feingold, a Democrat from Wisconsin. At the time, Feingold expressed concern over where it could lead.

Feingold Correctly Predicted Patriot Act Abuse in 2001 (Video) - Truthdig

Thursday, June 6, 2013

At World’s End and Back Again - Truthdig

Here may be the most commonplace sentence anyone could write about graduation day in any year: when I think back to my own graduation in 1966, an eon, a lifetime, a world ago, I have no memory of who addressed us.  None.  I have a little packet of photos of the event: shots of my parents and me, my grandmother and me, my aunt and me, my former roommates and me, my friends and me.  You can even see the chairs for the ceremony.  But not the speaker.  And yet it’s odds on that he—and in 1966, it was surely a “he”—made some effort to usher me into the American world, offering me, as a member of a new generation, words of wisdom and some advice.  You know, the usual thing that no one pays much attention to or ever remembers.

At World’s End and Back Again - Truthdig

Millions of Verizon Phone Records Secretly Collected Daily (Video) - Truthdig

The National Security Agency is collecting the telephone records of millions of American customers of Verizon via an order that requires the company to hand over the records on an “ongoing, daily basis,” Glenn Greenwald reports in The Guardian.

Millions of Verizon Phone Records Secretly Collected Daily (Video) - Truthdig

Democracy: The Only Threat to the TPP - Truthdig

The Trans-Pacific Partnership is an international trade agreement that would allow corporations operating in any country to appeal to a global tribunal to sue governments for financial “damages” wrought by laws that regulate the firms’ activities.

Democracy: The Only Threat to the TPP - Truthdig

The Business of Standing in Line - Truthdig

Eric Hopkins paced up and down a hallway in the Dirksen Senate Office Building two weeks ago in front of 25 people who were standing in line for a hearing of the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions. Few of them knew what the public hearing was about. That’s because they were hired by LineStanding.com, which paid them to reserve spots for lawyers, lobbyists, union members and anyone else willing to spend $32 an hour to secure a place in line. Hopkins works for the company as a coordinator.

The Business of Standing in Line - Truthdig

Plenty Of Surprises As World Warms - Truthdig

Nobody knows for certain what climate change will bring but on the basis of the latest research by plant ecologists, one thing has been established: there will be surprises.

Plenty Of Surprises As World Warms - Truthdig

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Eat Your Vegetables. Really. - Truthdig

Vegetarians were found to have a lower risk of death from any cause and males saw benefits for cardiovascular health.
Eat Your Vegetables. Really. - Truthdig